Good night Irene
Well the day has passed and we are well into the afternoon. Soon the sun will set and we can say, “Goodnight Irene.” On Monday, we looked at the weather and saw that tropical storm Irene had Brunswick, GA in its crosshairs. So, let’s close up shop at home and head down to Georgia to check on Now or Never! To make sure she can withstand the hurricane that was sure to form. Let’s see, remove sails, remove dodger, Bimini, solar panels. Extra lines, spiders’ webs all over. Tuesday, after 11 hours on the road, we pull up to our dock. There must have been 15 people there. Welcoming party? Well we’d like to think so, but just folks from our dock and the neighboring dock sharing sundowners before supper. So, one day passes and then the next and Irene, now a real hurricane moves farther offshore. Whew! Today, she is directly off shore but nearly 200 miles away. We’ve got some wind—20-25 knots, clouds come and go, the boat rocks a bit now and then. The only excitement of the day came when I was cleaning our anchor line. It was sitting on the dock where I had hosed it down. I pulled the water hose and 100 plus feet of nylon anchor line fell in the water! Fortunately, it was sinking slowly so I could grab it and pull it out of the water. So tonight we have a hurricane party without the hurricane. Life is good.